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翠玉白菜票價交通Open Data開放時間


序號 詞彙 翻譯
961 雪灘雙鷺 Egrets on a Snowy Bank
962 雪霽江行圖 Traveling on a River in Snow
963 雲樹山村 Mountain Residence Among Clouds and Trees
964 雲橫秀嶺 Cloud-Girdled Peaks
965 霜浦歸漁圖 Fishermen Returning on a Frosty Bank
966 青鐙課讀圖 Studies by Lamplight
967 靜聽松風圖 Listening Quietly to Soughing Pines
968 韓熙載夜宴圖 Han Xi-zai's Night Revels
969 香象皈依圖 Elephant Making an Offering to a Bodhisattva
970 駿馬圖 Five Horses
971 高士圖 Lofty Scholars
972 魚籃大士像 Great Master of the Fish Basket, Guan-yin
973 魚藻圖 Fish-and-Waterplants
974 鳥譜 Manual of Birds
975 鵲華秋色 Autumn Colors on the Qiao and Hua Mountains
976 麻姑仙壇記 Record of the Ma-gu Immortal's Altar
977 龍宿郊民圖 Residents on the Outskirts of Dragon Abode
978 龍池競渡圖 A Dragon Boat Regatta
979 龍舟競渡圖 A Dragon Boat Regatta
980 (畫)元世祖出獵圖 Khubilai Khan Hunting