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序號 檔案名稱 雜湊值驗證
01 Publishers and their Hua-p'u in the Wan-li Period: The Development of the Comprehensive Painting Manual in the Late Ming C8513D469A285634BAA6E4C222CBC2577F41696E49421E724DECADCDA07FFB50
02 品鑑之趣─十八世紀的陶瓷譜冊及其相關的問題 88CB54D0D64476E91711FB2242DD9F412487C8444350C0BB63D6990A83545E0B
03 新新無已 愈出愈奇─十七世紀書法家書寫異體字風氣的研究 FF2E20B8F6B2F8599C7F27F5E7970FF7392E4765006C6E88B60C8C4C4AA000A4
04 晚明書家張瑞圖之歷史形象與書史地位 83FCA426DA788A325F496F33F94DEBF6946EFC5721D5E5251B3856075FEDCCC9
05 金塔寺石窟考 D0F58FD9CD07F49133A657894FCC3D190F028C2B7901A0EAF6B057B970D79A48
06 故宮新購晉侯鬲之研究 EF8D5D5902E4B73A9423CA81D298931795D651F736B03C50842081877BD08614