

We use hash algorithms to make sure that an attachment is the one we directly provide to users and that it has not been maliciously changed by others. You may use a verification tool to see if an attachment’s hash value matches its hash verification code listed on this website (please remember to use SHA-256). Thank you.

序號 檔案名稱 雜湊值驗證
01 南北朝維摩詰經圖像的演變 21C2CB709085012A38202F02885E1CDD7786244ADBE5324C3563C3EAA041301D
02 萬曆朝的宮廷繪畫與政治─以〈出警入蹕圖〉與慈聖款佛畫為例 C46663086F7A819AC7948B5068F3F4E09415F73376BFD82C4F996C42E8BA339D
03 石濤的早年行止和書畫啟蒙 7C4FCFC296F65A76D0910A5F156E6A8FD1F34B5AF56B702E778B0FF1B81E5E0E
04 國立故宮博物院的百什件藏畫 CCED51AA8F4E6A1F0650AE81CFB67CD7B279C0996BCB11F199F5CB81BFEC4021