Application and Guidelines on Becoming a Friend of the National Palace Museum
I. Objective
This document states the guidelines for becoming a Friend of the National Palace Museum (hereafter referred to as the "NPM"), which is a program created to promote general awareness of the NPM collection and to encourage public participation. With this program, we also hope to increase the revenue of the NPM Collection Development Fund that will help enrich the country's artistic resources and upgrade our ability to acquire artifacts.
II. Definition
A. A "Friend of the NPM" is identified by the "Friend of the NPM" membership card issued by the Museum.
B. "Friends of the NPM" are separated into four categories: "Select Friend of the NPM", "Elite Friend of the NPM", "Honorary Friend of the NPM", and "International Friend of the NPM". Those who wish to become a member may apply to the Museum.
III. Qualifications
A. Select Friend of the NPM
- Those who make a donation over NT$3,000 and under NT$10,000 become Annual Select Friends of the NPM.
- Those who make a donation over NT$30,000 and under NT$100,000 become Lifetime Select Friends of the NPM.
B. Elite Friend of the NPM
- Those who make a donation over NT$100,000 and under NT$1,000,000 become Elite Friends of the NPM.
- Those who donate an artifact or artwork to the NPM become Elite Friends of the NPM, if the NPM accepts the item into the Museum's collection and the value of the item is over NT$100,000 and under NT$1,000,000.
- Those who entrust an artifact or artwork to the NPM become Elite Friends of the NPM, if the value of the item is over NT$100,000 and under NT$1,000,000. The Museum would gain the right to study, exhibit, publish, and license products related to the artifact.
C. Honorary Friend of the NPM
- Those who make a donation of NT$1,000,000 or more become Honorary Friends of the NPM.
- Those who donate an artifact or artwork to the NPM become an Honorary Friend of the NPM, if the NPM accepts the item into the Museum's collection and the value of the item is over NT$1,000,000.
- Those who entrust an artifact or artwork to the NPM become an Honorary Friend of the NPM, if the value of the item is over NT$1,000,000. The Museum would gain the right to study, exhibit, publish, and license products related to the artifact.
D. International Friend of the NPM
- Those who make a donation over US$100 and under US$3,000 become Annual International Friends of the NPM.
- Those who make a donation over US$3,000 and under US$20,000 become Lifetime International Friends of the NPM.
- Those who make a donation of US$20,000 or more become Honorary International Friends of the NPM.
IV. Reduced Rates
A. Students who apply for an "Annual Select Friend of the NPM" membership card or an "Annual International Friend of the NPM" membership card will receive a 50 percent discount.
B. Families who apply for "Annual Select Friend of the NPM" membership cards or "Annual International Friend of the NPM" membership cards will receive a 20 percent discount (students will receive a 60 percent discount).
C. Families who apply for "Lifetime Select Friend of the NPM" membership cards or "Lifetime International Friend of the NPM" membership cards will receive a 20 percent discount.
V. Member Rights and Benefits
A "Friend of the NPM" cardholder may enjoy the following benefits:
A. Annual Select Friend of the NPM:
- Free admission to the Museum, except for any special exhibitions requiring separate admission.
- 10 percent discount on all Museum publications and souvenir merchandise, including items sold on the online store, for one year.
- 10 percent discount in all Museum cafés and restaurants for one year. (At the Silks Palace, the discount may only be used on the 1st floor. )
- Receive regular information on NPM activities and exhibitions for one year.
- Invitation to attend exclusive Friends of the NPM events for one year.
- 20 percent discount on the registration fee for all seminars and educational programs organized by the Museum for one year.
- Limited invitation to attend free exclusive night tours of special exhibitions that require extra admission charge for one year.
B. Lifetime Select Friend of the NPM:
- Lifetime enjoyment of benefits 1-5 listed above for the Annual Select Friend of the NPM.
- 50 percent discount on the registration fee for all seminars and educational programs organized by the Museum.
- Invitation to attend free exclusive night tours of special exhibitions that require extra admission charge.
- Ticket discount for those who accompany the cardholder to the NPM (limited to one ticket per day).
C. Elite Friend of the NPM:
- Lifetime enjoyment of benefits 1-3 listed above for the Lifetime Select Friend of the NPM.
- Private tour with prior reservation.
- Invitation to attend opening parties and previews of special exhibitions.
- Ticket discount for those who accompany the cardholder to the NPM (limited to three tickets per day).
- Free copies of the NPM Monthly of Chinese Art for three years.
- Free copies of NPM Annual Report for a lifetime.
D. Honorary Friend of the NPM:
- All benefits 1-3 listed above for the Elite Friend of the NPM.
- Ticket discount for those who accompany the cardholder to the NPM (limited to five tickets per day).
- Free copies of the NPM Monthly of Chinese Art and the NPM Annual Report for a lifetime.
- Awarded a medal in public.
E. Annual International Friend of the NPM:
- Free admission to the Museum's exhibitions for one year, excluding special exhibitions that require extra admission charge.
- 10 percent discount on all Museum publications and souvenir merchandise, including items sold on the online store, for one year.
- 10 percent discount in all Museum cafés and restaurants for one year. (At the Silks Palace, the discount may only be used on the 1st floor.)
- One year of regular Museum e-Newsletter.
- Invitation to attend exclusive Friends of the NPM events for one year.
- 20 percent discount on the registration fee for all seminars and educational programs organized by the Museum for one year.
- Limited invitation to attend free exclusive night tours of special exhibitions that require extra admission charge for one year.
- A free copy of the year's NPM Annual Report.
F. Lifetime International Friend of the NPM:
- Lifetime enjoyment of benefits 1-5 listed for the Annual International Friend of the NPM.
- 50 percent discount on the registration fee for all seminars and educational programs organized by the Museum.
- Private tour with prior reservation.
- Invitation to attend free exclusive night tours of special exhibitions that require extra admission charge.
- Invitation to attend opening parties and previews of special exhibitions.
- Receive regular information on NPM activities and exhibitions.
- Ticket discount for those who accompany the cardholder to the NPM (limited to three tickets per day).
- Free copies of the NPM Monthly of Chinese Art and the NPM Annual Report for three years.
G. Honorary International Friend of the NPM:
- Lifetime enjoyment of benefits 1-6 listed for the Lifetime International Friend of the NPM.
- Ticket discount for those who accompany the cardholder to the NPM (limited to five tickets per day).
- Free copies of the NPM Monthly of Chinese Art and the NPM Annual Report for a lifetime.
- Awarded a medal in public
VI. Right to Make Changes
The NPM reserves the right to alter or cancel any of the above benefits at its sole discretion. If any changes are to take place, the NPM will post them on its website thirty calendar days in advance.
VII. Replacement and Cancellation
A. If a member's card is stolen or lost, he/she may apply for a replacement after completing a replacement application form and signing an affidavit.
B When applying for a replacement, the member must fill out the original application form and write the word "replacement" on the form.
C. Annual members are only allowed one replacement. Lifetime members are allowed a maximum of three replacements. The expiration date on the replacement card will be the same as the one on the card that was lost.
D. Reported lost or stolen cards will become invalidated on the day of report. If the lost card is discovered to be in use, it will be confiscated immediately. The corner of the card will be cut to invalidate it.
E. The replacement card will be noted as a replacement. However, it will provide the same benefits as the original card.
VIII. Use of Donations
Besides handling the business and affairs of the Friends of the NPM Program, all donations made by the Friends to the NPM Collection Development Fund will be used to purchase artifacts, as stated in the fourth article in the "Regulations for the Uses and Management of the NPM Collection Development Fund". Details regarding the donations will be announced in the NPM's Annual Report and on the Museum's website.
IX. Ways to Contact Us:
Add: No.221, Sec. 2, Zhishan Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 11143, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: +886-2-2881-2021 ext. 2961