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翠玉白菜票價交通Open Data開放時間


序號 詞彙 翻譯
61 九螭角杯形玉薰具 Horn-shaped jade censer with nine dragons
62 仿古六硯 Six archaistic ink stones
63 六文韞古玉印 Six-script archaic jade seals
64 劍飾玉硯滴 Jade water dropper made from a sword fitting
65 圈把玉高腳杯 Tall-stemmed jade cup with round handle
66 壺形玉薰具 Jade incense censer in the shape of a hu vase
67 嵌玉墨床 Ink stick rest with jade inlay
68 嵌玉紫檀壓尺 Sandalwood weighted ruler with jade inlay
69 嵌玉紫檀錯銀墨床 Sandalwood ink stick rest with jade and silver inlay
70 弦紋缸形玉香爐 Gang-shaped jade incense censer with string decoration
71 御製西湖名勝詩墨 Set of nine inksticks with imperial poems and scenes of West Lake
72 松花石梅花圖硯 Song-hua inkstone with lid featuring plum blossom
73 玉劍飾 Jade sword fitting
74 玉卮杯 Jade chih cup
75 玉大雁帶飾 Jade belt ornament with goose d'ecor
76 玉戚 Jade notched axe
77 玉扁壺 Jade flat hu vesse
78 玉牛 Jade ox
79 玉牛首角 Jade horn cup with ox head
80 玉獸面紋方鼎 Jade rectangular cauldron with animal mask decoration