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序號 詞彙 翻譯
121 仿銅獸面紋方鼎 Porcelain rectangular cauldron with animal-mask decoration in imitation of bronze
122 古銅釉 宣德爐 Xuan-de type censer in archaic bronze glaze
123 古銅釉 雙耳尊 Zun vessel in imitation of Ru-ware glaze
124 哥窯 米色三足爐 Ge-ware censer with three legs
125 哥窯 米色魚耳爐 Ge-ware cream-colored censer with fish handles
126 哥窯 米黃釉鼎式爐 Ge-ware cauldron-type censer in cream-yellow glaze
127 哥窯 青瓷葵花式盤 Dish with hibiscus rim in crackled glaze
128 哥釉 三足爐 Three-legged censer in Ge-ware glaze
129 哥釉 膽瓶 Vase with imitation Ge-ware glaze
130 哥釉 葉形洗 Leaf-shaped washer in imitation of Ge-ware glaze
131 哥釉 雙蓮房水注 Joined-lotus water dropper in imitation of Ge-ware glaze
132 哥釉 鼓式洗 Drum-type washer in imitation of Ge-ware glaze
133 墨梅瓷盤 Porcelain dish with plum blossom motif
134 嬌黃凸雕九龍方盂 Bright yellow squarish basin with nine dragons carved in relief
135 嬌黃簋式爐 Bright yellow gui-type censer
136 嬌黃錐拱獸面紋鼎 Bright yellow cauldron with animal-mask decoration
137 孔雀藍錐拱蕉葉夔紋觚 Gu vessel with plantain-leaf and dragon-décor in peacock blue glaze
138 官窯 簋式爐 Guan-ware gui-style censer
139 官窯 青瓷尊 Zun vessel with light bluish-green glaze
140 官窯 青瓷葵花式洗 Hibiscus-shaped washer with light bluish-green glaze