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序號 詞彙 翻譯
01 內言卣 Nei-yen yu vessel
02 史尊 Shu zun vessel
03 圓口方足觚 Square-footed gu vessel with round mouth
04 夔紋方尊 Squarish tsun vessel with dragon decoration
05 守官遺範銅印 Official's bronze seal
06 弓形器 Bow-shaped object
07 弦紋觶 Zhi vessel with string decoration
08 敬一主人圓鼎 Round cauldron of the Jing-yi Master
09 文王方鼎 Wen-wang rectangular cauldron
10 沖耳乳足銅爐 Bronze censer with raised handles and stubby feet
11 浮雕龍鳳紋銅鎏金雙管瓶 Gilt bronze dual double-vase with raised dragon-and-phoenix carved decoration
12 澡豆罐 Dou container
13 熊足鐓 Bear-footed tun
14 獸面紋壺尊 Huzun vessel with animal-mask decoration
15 獸面紋方鼎 Rectangular cauldron with animal-mask decoration
16 獸面紋銅爐 Bronze censer with animal-mask decoration
17 獸首銅如意 Animal-head bronze ruyi scepter
18 盟盨 Meng xu vessel
19 直內戈 Dagger-axe with straight shafting-plate
20 竊曲紋簋 Gui with curled pattern decoration