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序號 詞彙 翻譯
901 苗蠻圖 Illustrated Official Tribute to the Imperial Qing
902 茅亭松籟 Thatched Pavilion Under Rustling Pines
903 茶事圖 Tea Matters
904 荔枝 Lychees
905 荔枝山雀 Lychee Branch and Wild Bird
906 荷塘納涼 Cooling Off by a Lotus Pond
907 菊花 Chrysanthemums
908 華燈侍宴圖 Attending an Imperial Banquet
909 萬國職貢 Official Tribute from Ten Thousand States
910 萬壑松風圖 Windy Pines Among a Myriad Valleys
911 落花圖并詩 Poetic Contemplation on Falling Blossoms
912 落花詩意圖 Falling Blossoms Painting with Poetry
913 蓮社圖 The Lotus Society
914 蓮華大士像 Guan-yin of the Lotuses
915 蕭翼賺蘭亭圖 Xiao Yi Trying to Swipe the Lan-ting Scroll
916 薔薇喻長霖臨書譜 Roses
917 蘆舟 Skiff and Reeds
918 蘇李別意 The Parting of Su Wu and Li Ling
919 虎溪三笑圖 The Three Laughers at Tiger Creek
920 螔蝓 Snail