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序號 詞彙 翻譯
921 蟠桃仙會 Peach Assembly of Immortals
922 蟠桃圖 The Peach Immortal
923 蠟梅山禽 Chimonanthus and Birds
924 行旅圖 Travelers
925 袁安臥雪圖 Yuan An Freezing in the Snow
926 西湖圖 West Lake
927 西遊記冊 Album on Journey to the West
928 觀世音菩薩普門品經像 Guan-yin Bestowing Children
929 觀瀑圖 Viewing a Waterfall
930 觀碑圖 Viewing a Stele
931 觀音(圖) Guan-yin Bodhisattva
932 設色山水 Landscape in Color
933 護國天王像 Heavenly King (Devarāja) National Protector
934 谷口春耕圖 Spring Plowing at the Mouth of a Valley
935 谿山行旅圖 Travelers Among Mountains and Streams
936 貢獒圖 Ao (Large Dog) Tribute
937 貨郎圖 Knick-knack Peddler
938 赤壁圖 The Red Cliff
939 趙孟頫鮮于樞墨蹟合冊 Album of Calligraphy
940 達壟寺第四任住持桑杰溫 Onpo Lama Rimpoche (Fourth Abbot of the Taklung Monastery)